Quantify Project

Thematic session "Effect of Spatio-Temporal Length scales on Ductile Failure"

02.01.2018 00:00 - 09.01.2018 00:00
InterContinental San Juan


Thematic session in International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture 2018

Thematic session in International Conference: We are disseminating our results and publicizing our activity. QUANTIFY is all around the world!

Beneficiaries and partners of QUANTIFY (from UC3M, TECHNION and TAMU) organized and presented their research in a thematic session entitled “Effect of Spatio-Temporal Length scales on Ductile Failure”, that was held within the framework of the International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture 2018, in January, in San Juan de Puerto Rico, USA (2 – 9 January). The session served to increase the visibility of the consortium, as well as to look for new collaborators. Alain Molinari (UL), Daniel Rittel (TECHNION) and Haim Waisman (CU) delivered keynote lectures in the symposium. José A. Rodríguez-Martínez (UC3M), Guadalupe Vadillo (UC3M), Ankit Srivastava (TAMU) and Shmuel Osovski (TECHNION) also delivered contributing lectures in the session.

Calendar Events

Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group

Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Group

The NSM group, formed by 3 researchers and 4 PhD students, is part of the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the University Carlos III of Madrid. Research lines include mechanical characterization at high strain rates, formulation of constitutive theories and analytical models for instabilities in ductile materials, nonlinear vibration in elastic structures, etc. The group has 5 on-going competitive grants, 2 National and 3 European, including an ERC Starting Grant.

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